Posted 2018-November-21, 14:56
If partner is 6-6, I don’t care what I bid, since I’m playing with someone with whom I will likely never play again. In any event, the one contract we know we can’t make us 4C so why bid it?
Making up hands for partner is a mug’s game, but we can hope for something like AQJxx x AKJxxx x
On the heart lead, the inevitable trump switch allows us to finesse, probably winning, ruff a diamond and maybe get lucky. Meanwhile, it is trivial to beat 4C unless partner has the club A
Note that he could well have an even better hand than I have suggested and should rarely have worse with unless void in clubs, which makes bidding 4C even worse.....the doubling could be about to start
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
smerriman asks "IMPs. Your bid?
I chose 3♣, after which West pushed to 3♥ and partner followed up with 3♠.
Now what?
(Assume West isn't particularly strong - there was no reason for not bidding 3♥ initially - so don't read anything into that)."
I rank
1. 4♣ = NAT Hoggish but hard to pass with an 8-card suit
2. Pass = NAT Partner might not be 6070 but he definitely has 5+ good ♠. Perhaps ♠ K x x x x x ♥ x ♦ A K Q J x x ♣ -