Tramticket, on 2018-November-30, 08:27, said:
Interesting format.
Yes, I try for dummy reversal. But it is a long shot I think. I abandon the attempt if North discards a club when you ruff the second round of diamonds.
North will need to cross to dummy three more times to ruff diamonds twice more, then draw the final trump and North will likely discard clubs on the third and fourth round of diamonds. I cross in clubs first, then in trumps (abandoning the dummy reversal if trumps are 4-1), then finally in clubs. It feels like you need North to hold four clubs and three trumps to get your 11th trick.
Where is the big risk?
You win the first trump in hand noting trumps are not 5-0
You play a diamond to the ace and ruff a diamond. Diamonds wont be 8-0
Now play a trump to the jack.
If trumps are 4-1 you give up on the dummy reversal. Almost impossible that North has 7
♣, white against red to boot.
Could South have 4 hearts and a void in clubs? Would he lead a trump from such a hand? Hardly!
If trumps are not 4-1 continue with the dummy reversal.
At worst you will exchange a ruff for the third spade loser.
Looks to me pretty risk free and the only realistic chance for an overtrick.
For the dummy reversal to work South needs 3 hearts and at least 2 clubs or North needs 3 hearts and at least 6 minor suit cards.
South 2 diamond over-call on the second round suggests shortage in clubs. No reason to be pessimistic.
Rainer Herrmann