awm, on 2015-March-06, 15:26, said:
Zel's suggestion is basically how I play these. Basically a bid of the 4th suit is only natural if notrump has been bid. So:
1d-1s-2c-2h is artificial
1d-1s-2c-2h-3h is still artificial punt
You have me completely confused.
If I understand what you wrote, you can have 5 calls in the auction, including bids of 2 and 3
♥, and be in the situation in which neither partner has shown any heart length at all, and while opener is somewhat limited by the 2
♣ call, and responder is known to hold game values or better, both partners have hardly limited their strength in any meaningful way.
The partnership is at 3
♥ without any means of finding if they have any heart fit at all. They might be 3-0 or 5-4 in hearts. They might belong in some as yet unknown and unhinted at game, or in any one of 10 slam contracts and have nicely used up an entire level of bidding to convey no useful information.
Remember the OP raised the issue of how to explore slam in hearts should responder have hearts and the partnership used 3
♥ by opener to show hearts. The problem raised by the OP was that absent special agreements there was no way to set trump in a forward-going way.
Your 'solution' makes an already difficult situation utterly impossible. Now NEITHER player has yet promised or denied hearts! Responder can't even bid 4
♥ on a 4 card suit, let alone look for slam. Just how the heck does the partnership find a 4-4 fit in hearts if they are never allowed to bid the suit naturally no matter how many rounds of bidding they get to screw around with?
I don't care how easy this is to remember....wild horses couldn't get me to play such a destructive method of constructive bidding.
You're a fine player so I assume I am missing something obvious
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari