A partner and I had a discussion/disagreement about this yesterday, stemming from a talk about what range of hands is feasible for a 1N forcing response to 1♠.
After a 1♠-1N start to an auction, we were asked at the table what the possible range for the forcing 1N response was. The response given was "unlimited", while the 1N bidder thought it was a max of 12 or so.
The disagreement comes down to how you would handle a hand like the following:
The hand lacks some element required for other obvious alternatives:
1. No 4th ♣/♦ to bid 2m.
2. No 4th ♠ to bid J2N.
3. No 5th ♥ to bid 2♥.
4. Too strong to bid 3N, which by agreement is this shape with 13-15 and offers choice of games.
Only other option I can imagine is a 3-card game-forcing jump-shift, which I'm guessing some may choose over 1N.
1. What would you bid in the shown hand?
2. Separate from this hand, what explanation would you give to a question about the range of a forcing 1N over 1♠?