We play 1D-2H as 5+S 4+H weak and 2S as 5S 4H INV. We also play support doubles. How should we use the inference from the reverse flannery convention in this auction?
1D - (pass) - 1S - (2C);
dbl - (pass) - 2H
If responder has a four card heart suit he also has a five card spade suit and we already have a fit i spades. It can't really be natural and INV since responder didn't bid 2S directly. I suppose it could be 5-5 INV or 5-4 with slam interest. Or maybe a game try with a three card heart suit.
How do others handle this auction?
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Inference from Reverse Flannery Responder bids spades then hearts
Posted 2012-June-03, 06:32
Well, assuming you always respond 1♥ with 4-4. this must show 5 spades in any case. Given that, we surely have a 5-3 spade fit, and then I think "mild invitation with heart values" really makes sense.
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
-- Bertrand Russell
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