Posted 2024-October-26, 19:26
Unfortunately there was bad blood during the match.
On the first hand, my screen mate overcalled 2D, alerted as ‘multi, less than opening values’. Gord bid 2H, a takeout double of hearts, RHO bid 3H and I bid 3S, raised to game.
The diamond was led. I won in dummy to lead a heart, expecting the overcaller to hold 6 hearts. I planned to ruff a heart low, another one high, and play for Jxx of spades onside, hoping for 4 spades, two ruffs and four diamonds. RHO popped the queen and erred (imo) by playing a spade…my 10 held, making it trivial to ruff a heart, come to hand with a spade finesse and ruff another heart…now diamond to hand and pull trump and claim. While it was irrelevant to the play, I was puzzled that the 2D bid, explained as multi, was on a five card suit. I have no problem with someone distorting their hand, if they think it is worth it, but I’d always assumed, possibly erroneously, that ‘multi’, when referring to showing a single suit major, meant 6 cards…indeed, had a trump not been played early by RHO,I was going down because I didn’t expect to be able to ruff low twice. I’d be playing for 3-2 trump and would lose a trick to the actual Jxxx. So I asked whether it was systemic to bid 2D on a 5 card suit. I was told, fairly curtly, that it was. So I suggested that maybe he should describe the meaning of his bid rather than just tell me ‘multi’. To which he took umbrage…got, imo, quite hostile. I said that my understanding was multi promised 6. He told me in no uncertain terms that he didn’t care what I thought.
On the second, I didn’t exit the club queen…on the bidding (not shown) east has shown a decent hand and I was sure he had a club honour…diamond king led, I won (since east had almost surely a six card suit on the auction) and cashed a high trump..ugh…three rounds of spades…then a low club which RHO, after long…long…thought ducked. LHO cashed a top diamond and was trying to cash another but LHO ruffed to inexplicably ‘cash’ a top club…ruff, heart hook,etc. but I was cold then anyway
At the end of the match, my screen mate, the multi bidder, volunteered (as I left the table but clearly intended for my ears) that I was the most unpleasant opponent he’d ever encountered. I suspect this was primarily because he and his partner had just perpetrated the worst defence I’ve ever seen by any expert…arguably the worst defence in the history of international bridge….not either of these hands.
I’m not posting it and I ask that anyone who looks it up refrain from doing so, but it was funny (to us) and excruciating to my screen mate who had no real part in the debacle. However, frustration doesn’t excuse being rude. Hence I’m prepared to mention it.
Fortunately, the great majority of our opps have been very pleasant…we’ve had some very funny exchanges even during very competitive matches.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari