Another bad day here ?
It seems fairly easy to make 9 tricks on this lead, nobody else in the field failed.
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Another bad day?
Posted 2024-October-05, 16:57
Good play by GIB. With 8 ever, 9 never. So with 10, absolutely positively never.
Posted 2024-October-05, 18:57
Probably. East has promised a doubleton heart according to how GIB interprets leads, so the K is likely to be offside, but the old version of GIB still sees leading the Q from dummy as better than leading a third heart on the vast majority of occasions, which it only plays rarely.
But if you force it to play the Q and West plays low, it'll play the Ace a reasonable proportion of the time given the "known" 5-2 heart split (though finessing still its most likely play).
Taking sub-percentage lines because BBO wants GIB to run fast rather than optimally is a flaw of GIB, but usually balanced out by all the times the slightly suboptimal line actually works and everyone else goes down.. leading assumptions aside. Those hands don't seem to get posted here
But if you force it to play the Q and West plays low, it'll play the Ace a reasonable proportion of the time given the "known" 5-2 heart split (though finessing still its most likely play).
Taking sub-percentage lines because BBO wants GIB to run fast rather than optimally is a flaw of GIB, but usually balanced out by all the times the slightly suboptimal line actually works and everyone else goes down.. leading assumptions aside. Those hands don't seem to get posted here

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