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自主莱本(Auto leben)

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Posted 2023-June-19, 09:51

现在的焦点在,或说大家都没意识到:1NT逼应叫可以高达11-12HCP邀叫实力(甚至更高),现代方法是再应叫2NT来显示;而本来自然叫牌法二盖一后,再应叫2NT也可以表述了同样的内涵。这里就存在个(等同于leben 2NT的逻辑)冗余设置,所以重做约定,就能扩展出更多分类牌型空间来了。
综上所述,我们不难想到把其中的一个2NT再叫当成leben约定叫来处理,直观的是把(本来就包含弱应叫牌力的)1NT逼应叫后的再应叫2NT定义成自主莱本(auto leben,其后称作:AL)的设置,这样更接近自然进程的习惯用法!命名中,自主(auto)的含义在于,是在对方没参与竞叫时,我们体系自发产生的主动行为。
那么直接二盖一以上应叫(或所有:非1NT逼应叫叫品),就是那些:要么是对开叫有配合,想出长套找第二花色配合;或类似4441牌型期望在低阶显示单缺(mini splinter);再或者就是(对开叫花色无支持)有不怎么好的旁花长套,其后只想奔NT的邀叫以上实力的牌型。对跳叫性应叫先插入个约定叫:直接的跳新花做配合显示叫=对同伴刚叫的花色有支持,所叫新花长套,以寻求AKQ一张的支持就能基本树立(如果有2张的话就能完全获取该套长套张数了)。
这里可以发现,如果应叫人有GF实力,又初步设想叫3NT的牌,其实都是可以先做二盖一应叫出个4张套的;那么,①直接的应叫3NT②或1NT逼应叫后的再应叫3NT③以及再应叫2NT做auto leben后的3NT,也都成了自主莱本体系所将带来的冗余设置了。所以定约成:应叫人GF实力,对开叫花色不支持,而持有不错的双套旁花的处理。(原则设置为:高花快叫低花慢叫,①=双高,②=顶底,③=双低;后续随进程做某些自然的修正)

2、在1H 1S或1S 1NT做接力逼应叫后,开叫人叫出来新花,那么再应叫2NT(开AL),但又回到开叫人的第二花色,并表示对开叫花色有支持的(b/)无特征牌型,做双套配合的邀叫性加叫(force to 3M);而直接再应叫加叫开叫人的第二花色做一般的建设性回叫,对开叫花色没支持。
5、11+,二盖一出套是只保证4张的;4441牌型,这里我们用逆应叫来处理这样的三色套牌型,也相当于在3阶做了个(没叫出花色的)mini splinter。如果也从二盖一起步,再应叫回开叫花色,这里保证应叫花色是5+的。有区别于前面的约定叫跳新花的配合显示叫,这里只在邀叫至只满足成局定约,5张套也没前面所述的强度。
6、解决简单加叫开叫花色与接力后回叫开叫花色的重置:现在没特征的弱牌加叫开叫花色都可以先用接力了,那么直接加叫可以设计成带一个旁花长套的结构来弥补应叫结构上的漏洞。这里建议1M 2M=低限6-9,M3+oM5+,把低限一口清的牌做oM细节描述的补丁。
7、(对现代自然体系)极端的可以把:1M 2m=设计成6-9,m5+M3+或10+,m4+;需要改动的进程是1M 2m,2NT=18-19,就当二盖一是假的,要等待应叫人再次确认。但对oM的处理(1S 2H),保留自然进程。
8、AL进程中的跳新花=对第二套的配合显示叫,GF,没问题,有补充的是,比如1S 1NT,2H 4m这样的结构,要在4阶才能显示,这里不是splinter或其它含义的扣叫,要做明确说明;这里的用法表示的是有满贯意图的,否则可以先3m出套GF,再回叫开叫人的第二花色封局,那只是满足于成局的用法了!

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Posted 2023-June-19, 10:33

Auto lebensohl
preface for AL

The true significance of Roth-Stone's 1NT forcing responding method (for 1M calls) is improving the subsequent logic of the modern bridge 1M (5+ major, or M5+) bidding system, so that the M5+system's crushing effect on the M4+system in bidding efficiency can be accepted by a large number of players! There is currently a discussion on whether to use or not to use 1NT mandatory bidding (such as after a passed hand), rather than further exploring how 1NT mandatory bidding can bring more benefits to the system furthermore.

The greatest invention of modern bridge is the lebensohl contract bidding. lt must be recognized that for a second level bidding of the opponent, one can either punish the other or directly call a successful 3NT to game. So, the natural meaning of bidding for 2NT has lost its practical significance, Therefore, by using it as a leben convention call, one can distinguish between the suit that the caller must play at level 3.whether it is a strong or weak card. (Among the 5 items that responded at the same level, one responded from the other party and one responded from 2NT. The other 3 items need to differentiate between strong and weak suits. which results in a doubling of 2NT. Therefore, for the 5 spaces, adding 3 and subtracting 1 yields 7. The conclusion is that the expression efficiency of leben can be increased by up to 40%.)

The current focus is. or rather. no one is aware that 1NT(forcing respd bidding). can be high to 11-12HCP,as an invitation pattern (or even higher), and modern methods responded 2NT to display it; However, after the natural bidding method of 2/1 process, the same connotation can be expressed by re-respond 2NT. There is a redundant setting here(equivalent to leben 2NT's logic), so by redoing the convention, more classification card space can be expanded.

In summary, it is not difficult for us to think of one of the 2NTs as a real leben renaming convention. Intuitively, we define the renaming of the 2NT,after the 1NT forcing call(which originally includes weak pattern) as the setting of autonomous leben (later referred to as AL), which is closer to the idiom of natural processes! in naming, the meaning of autonomy is that it refers to the spontaneous and proactive behavior of our system when the other party does not participate in the bidding.

When using 1NT forcing bidding, the classification of card types can first be contracted as follows: a)low limit bidding power, b)or invitation bidding strength has support for open suit, but there is no side suit (5+cards) long suit or no obvious characteristics of the balanced hand; c)Secondly, the meaning of "good hands" in the assignment leben means that if there is no fit to open suit patterns, but there are good side suits , that must be called to the third level to show forcing game. Let's make a contract here: After a forcing 1NT, and then responder directly call out a new suit (not jump shift calls) in level 3. This is the GF strength, which is equivalent to leben's use of a single strong suit of good hands. lt is strongly recommended to play a game.

So, directly 2/1 process or more responding (or all that: non 1NT forcing calls), which are those: either the split call has a match, come up with a long suit to find a second suit match, Or similar to the 4441 card type, it is expected to display a mini splinter at a lower level, Alternatively, there may be (no support for open suit patterns) having a side suit long suit that is not so very good, and later only wanting to compete with NT's invitation to call for card types with the above strength. For jumping shift calls, first, insert a convention call: directly jump new suit to show support for the partner's just called pattern, and the new suit can be basically established by seeking a AKQ support (if there are 2 pieces, you can fully obtain the number of long suits).

Here, it can be found that if the responder has GF strength and apreliminary idea is to call a 3NT. in fact, can first do 2/1 bidding and respond out a 4-cards suit; So, 1) directly calling 3NT after open, 2) or 1NT forcing,3NT after re-open, 3)and 3NT after calling 2NT for auto leben have all become redundant settings that AL system will bring. So it is agreed that the responder should have GF strength, and do not support the open call pattern, while holding a good double sets of side suit. (The principle is set as follows: high suit fast call low suit slow call, 1)=double high, 2)=top bottom, 3)=double low; some natural modifications will be made as the process progresses)

The overall framework of the autonomous leben (AL) system has been established and the details will be supplemented as follows.
1、After open bid 1H, exchange for 1S and 1NT responding : that is.1S=relay (forcing call, later referred to as relay), and re-open 1NT=S4; Instead, respond 1NT=lower limit S5+. Responder’s 1S-2S=11+, S5+. The 4333 card type, is to call back to H after 1S relay bid (if opener did not call NT to display S4), displaying the so-called b) card type with no obvious features
2、After performing a relay call in 1H 1S or 1S 1NT, if re-open a new suit, and respond 2NT (Open AL ) , but then re-respond the second suit at level 3 and indicate that there is support for the open’s 2rd suit b) in the featureless card type. Make a double fit of invitation to call (force to 3M), And directly adding a call to the second suit of the opener, making a general constructive call back ,but does not support the open suit.
3、(Supplement and correction),after the relay process ,followed by re-openning of a new second suit, responder here to do jump shift a new suit=means to fit the open’s second suit, so that we can show the previous double set structure! More importantly, it shows that there is not much support for the first suit of the open call, And the subsequent jump 3NT means double suits has been corrected to a natural and quick description of the other two long suits.
4、After the relay, but re-open 2C. There is a lack of space here to represent the invitation structure for C to cooperate. instead, call back to 2NT for AL processing, which must be a good hand! So there's no need to foolishly force to call back 3C in the future, but to over-transfer to 3D/oM =report new suit support, and suggest that the fourth suit is short; Of course, simply calling back 3C only means lightly open hand and not accepting invitations. Over-transfer to 3M means not supporting the other two suits. and over-transfer to 3NT=5224: This kind of processing is equivalent to automatically replying the process that the opener should have discussed. (For the general natural system 1M with 5332 card types, after being forced to bid, 2C can be called the only fuzzy processed bid, and the subsequent processing can also be done using the above method.)
5、11+, 4 cards are guaranteed for 2/1 process; And only 4441 we use reverse bid to handle such a trisuit deck type, which is equivalent to making a mini splitter (without calling out the suit) at level 3. lf we also start 2/1 process and should respond the open suit, so that ensure the responding suit is 5+. There is a difference from the previous agreement called "Jumping Shift", where the fitting display only limited between invitation and game, and the strength of the suit is not so strong.
6、The solution is to reset the simple add call and call back after a relay: weak hands with no features can now use the relay then call back process. Therefore, direct add calls can be designed as a structure with a side suit to compensate for the loopholes in the bidding process. Here. it is recommended that:1M 2M=low limit 6-9. M3+oM5+, and patch the oM detail description of the low limit pattern.
7、For modern natural systems, the extreme can be designed as: 1M 2m=6-9;m5+M3+,or 10+, m4+; The process that needs to be modified is 1M 2m, with re-open 2NT=18-19 process,it is considered that this 2/1 bids are fake, and need to wait for confirmation from the responsible person again. But for the processing of oM (1S 2H) natural processes are preserved.
8、Jumping Shift in the AL process=reveals fit for the second suit, GF. But it should be added that structures such as 1S 1NT , 2H 4m ,that can only be displayed in level 4, and this is not a cue bid for splinter or other meanings. lt needs to be clearly explained; The usage here indicates that there is a slam intention, otherwise you can first set GF of 3m and then call back to open the opener's second suit to block the game, which is only satisfied with the usage of the winning game!

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Posted 2023-June-20, 01:56

If you want to reach English language readers then I think you will have to improve the translation somehow: maybe your own English is good enough to spot and correct some contortions, or someone who is fluent in both languages can help.

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