ThomasRush, on 2021-November-14, 20:51, said:
This is the longest answer to a question not asked that I've seen in a long time. Are you sure you're replying to the right original post?
I always appreciate a comment from David
The hand itself was fairly similar, weaker hcp wise, but a touch more shapely.
The poll is a subject that has been touched on a few times recently - do you ignore a weaker than proscribed hcp count and bid the playing strength, with the risk of going down in 3NT or underbid and potentially miss game.
My approach is to have bids that can show either, but others have questioned whether this is playable? Personally I find my approach removes potential misstatement of strength (hcp or playing)
In this case with a MLT of 4.5, 9.5 playing tricks and a 1NT response by partner I judged a 4
♦ bid to be reasonable leading to Pass/Raise/Correct/SI and made on this occasion.
However, I guess that whether opener's 2nd bid is 2/3/4
♦ doesn't make much difference to the end result with this hand, although you may end up with competition with a 2
♦ bid.