How do you continue?
Take over the bidding..
Posted 2021-April-12, 05:28
How do you continue?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-April-12, 06:01
2♥-3♣ (natural);
3♠ (asks for a stopper or advance cue)-4NT (spade stopper, too much for 3NT);
5♣ (natural, forcing. Makes 3♠ into a cue)-5♠ (denies controls in diamonds and hearts - don't show the shortness opposite partner's length);
6♣ (an optimist might try 5NT asking for extras)-P.
I personally wouldn't dare 5NT as South, but an enterprising pair might pick up 7♣ on a good day.
Posted 2021-April-12, 06:12
2N allows for an easy 3D bid if opener has 3 of them.
On this hand, it makes for an easy 3C bid, which is music to north’s ears.
He raises to 4C and opener, who has terrible clubs but a good hand otherwise, bids 4D.
How the bidding continues is unclear....there are a lot of options. However, north will probably end up driving to 6C. The key, with strong hands and no clear direction, is to bide one’s time. North doesn’t want to suggest clubs as tromp unless south has 4 of them, and that means 2N on the second round. Also that means that opener’s 3D, if he were to bid it, would be 3 card support, with some reason not to bid 3N, and not a preference, allowing for a controlled auction.
Posted 2021-April-12, 08:24
1♥-2♦ (5+♦)
2NT (6331/64xx Int+)-3♣ (Which?)
3♦ (64xx)-3♥ (Which Minor?)
3♠ (♣)-4♣ (GF/SI ♣)
4♦ (2 keycards)-5♦ (All keycards w/o Q♣)
6♣ (Denies Q♣/10 card fit)-Pass
Posted 2021-April-12, 15:40
This was our uncreative auction 4♥+2 , the rest of the field played in 3N.
I could bid 4♣ over 3nt but that would have been G
The full hand;
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-April-13, 02:02
Posted 2021-April-13, 03:14
mikeh, on 2021-April-12, 06:12, said:
2N allows for an easy 3D bid if opener has 3 of them.
On this hand, it makes for an easy 3C bid, which is music to north’s ears.
He raises to 4C and opener, who has terrible clubs but a good hand otherwise, bids 4D.
How the bidding continues is unclear....there are a lot of options. However, north will probably end up driving to 6C. The key, with strong hands and no clear direction, is to bide one’s time.
2N certainly makes more sense if South then has an easy 3C bid with xxxx, which he doesn't for us.
How would North's hand have to differ for you as North to bid 3C rather than 2N?
Posted 2021-April-13, 05:32
DavidKok, on 2021-April-13, 02:02, said:
Or, I could have raised 3♣ to 4♣?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-April-13, 05:45
pescetom, on 2021-April-13, 03:14, said:
How would North's hand have to differ for you to bid 3C rather than 2N?
I'd imagine something like Jxx,x,AQJT7,AKJ9
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2021-April-13, 07:56
jillybean, on 2021-April-13, 05:32, said:
nullve, on 2021-April-13, 05:41, said:
Posted 2021-April-13, 08:07
DavidKok, on 2021-April-13, 07:56, said:
What if Opener has a spade more and a club less, i.e. something like
? How do you find the 6-2 heart fit if it exists?
Posted 2021-April-13, 09:28
pescetom, on 2021-April-13, 03:14, said:
How would North's hand have to differ for you as North to bid 3C rather than 2N?
Opener doesn’t have an ‘easy’ 3C bid over 2N, in that he’d really like Qxxx.
However, I think that 3C is clearly correct.
He expects a heart preference anytime responder has Hx in hearts, and now 4H is likely better than 3N....not always, of course.
He also expects a heart preference on xx when responder holds something like Axx xx QJ10xx AQx.
To bid 3C over 2N, opener either has interest in clubs as trump or fear of spades (with 4 clubs) for notrump.
The main point being that he doesn’t expect, nor want, responder bidding 3N without a good spade holding. The fact that responder may then drive him to 6C would, if known, terrify him😀
Posted 2021-April-14, 09:34
2d natural GF
2h waiting (would not bid 3c here nat even if able since p might be looking for a club stop for 3n and ick) (also denies max 1 loser heart suit 6+ else 3h + extra or 4h min)
3c naturalish primarily looking for spade stop for 3n if not natural or simply wishes more information
3d 2 of top 3 honors = 3 card support in my book. The delayed raise shows 6+ hearts. This bid does not deny spade stop since showing the dia support can easily be of greater importance.
3s tell me more primarily looking for spade stop for 3n also denies 2 card heart support.
4s short spade some extra values not enough to take control of bidding
4n RKC diamonds
5c 0-3
5n pick a slam if nothing more interesting to tell. Could have asked for kings but did not has dia Q did not ask.
6c showing that 4 card support note that if the heart K were the club Q I would bid 7c