Posted 2019-March-20, 11:41
Preempts work.
At mps, getting to 5C is often going to be losing bridge, even if one makes 12 tricks...those playing 3N will almost surely make at least 10 tricks.
At imps, playing 5C rather than 3N is no sin, so long as 5C makes, but 5C might not make when 3N is cold: xx AKJxx xx Axxx: they run 5 or 6 diamonds against 3N.
Obviously, getting to a making slam, usually 6C or 6N but possibly 6H, would be wonderful at either scoring, but how does 4C get us there on most hands?
We can hardly bid 4C and then bid 4S over 4H...such would be a huge overstatement of values (tho on some layouts it would work).
And if partner fits clubs, how can he tell you about it? 5C leaves you with no information about diamonds.....and you may already be going minus: x AKQxx xxx Axxx...sure, 3N might fail on this layout, but usually won't. And partner could have x AKxxx QJx Axxx and they score a ruff to beat 5C when 3N is frigid.
Hence in my view 95% of good players would bid 3N, and I suspect I am underestimating that number.
One point to bear in mind is that, contrary to a popular aphorism attributed, I believe, to Hamman, 3N does not end ALL auctions. It ends most, but partner is allowed to bid again with an unusual hand, so that slam may still be reached once in a while after 3N, while 3N cannot ever be reached after 4C.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari