But, there seem to be a little problem with their defense, especially with their opening lead. In the following, I will show some examples where the robots chose a wrong opening lead that resulted in a fatal loss on their part.
With the first board, LHO-robot chose the ♠ 8 for opening lead, top of no thing, meaning “leading through strength”. Thanks to this, I had time to cash A then K of ♦ to discard the losing ♣. Thereafter, I had time to finesse for the Q of ♥ to make 13 tricks for a top score! The mistake with the robots is that they are probably not programmed to lead the “unbid suit”, which is ♣ in this case, and then, everybody will have an average score only.
With the second board, LHO-robot chose the opening lead of the ♣ 10 to RHO-robot’s ♣ Ace, which then returned a ♥. Thanks to this, I had time to manage to make the doubled contract of 3-♦ for another top score! LHO-robot seems not to be programmed to lead 3 rounds of ♦ first, then shifted to a ♣ and after that just waited for winning two more tricks: a ♥ and a ♣, a set of 2 tricks for a penalty of 300 points.