steve2005, on 2017-December-03, 11:03, said:
I think your right X is pretty well just balancing not 20+.
The only difference with Fantunes South needs less to act over 3S. So catching a slam hand isn't as likely. but with 20+ don't need much from south,.
I don't see how you can say 4♥ is an overbid, what else can be bid. 3♥ as you suggested isn't legal.
my fault. unfortunatly you are right, still it my be worth a try ...
Since in this case 4H does not promise anything, ... it is touch and go, if opener moves,
and passing it out is not stupid, just cautious.
The alternative to X is 4C describing the shape, but I would take this as 55.
I voted other, they caught N/S with the well timed preempt.
It's hard for North-South to reach the borderline 6♥..
In 6♥, I like LBengtsson's line:
Win ♠A, cash ♥AQ (hoping they break), cash ♣A, cross to ♥K and run ♣9.
If RHO wins ♣Q, you need a miracle in ♦s.
On the bidding, you should probably choose to play for ♦K singleton offside, rather than ♦Kx doubleton onside.