barmar, on 2016-November-28, 16:21, said:
Put simply, if dummy leaves and no one takes his place, any alternate method of playing his cards is going to be annoying. It's true that declarer is legally allowed to play his cards for him, but in a casual game no one gives a damn that the more convenient method of having defenders do it is illegal.
Declarer reaching for a card in Dummy is not nearly as distracting to the defense as playing cards from the Dummy is to the defender who is dividing his time between the defense and the chore.
It is mildly interesting that the Declarer might be distracted from his/her declarer play by having to do the additional job.
In your casual game, the defenders might not show that they are being inconvenienced; they
are being inconvenienced, and the laws (accidentally) are there to prevent them from being inconvenienced.