I often watch vugraph but find pairs presentation less interesting because you often see a succession of different players coming & going.
It would more fun if the vugraph was watching a single pair (I'm sure there are some pairs who would be happy to be shown) as the "feature pair"
They would not need to be the top guns of the field, rather a strong pair playing some unusual methods e.g. forcing pass, polish club etc or known "flair" players like Zia.
It would be great to watch over the shoulder of one such player & see how the other pairs cope! If a barometer score or par score was shown after or during each hand this would be very entertaining.
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vugraph pairs
Posted 2015-December-15, 14:29
It's up to the organizer of the Vugraph event which table(s) they decide to show.
Posted 2015-December-16, 16:18
absolutely. But I think some feedback to vugraph organiser is nice.
thanks for your reply.
thanks for your reply.
Posted 2015-December-17, 09:46
It's not clear how many Vugraph organizers read these forums. But if they do, they're probably more likely to read the Vugraph Issues forum, so I've moved this thread.
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