bd 5
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Jec jan23 - bd 5
Posted 2016-January-23, 17:27
On this one I mainly blame north...south is driving the bus to a diamond slam thus I understand going past 3nt.
North can just pass 1s again not rebid 2c.... north has a minimum very minimum it by passing. raising to 3d after 2d is off the chart.
North can just pass 1s again not rebid 2c.... north has a minimum very minimum it by passing. raising to 3d after 2d is off the chart.
Posted 2016-January-23, 17:57
The answer to the question "what should I respond to 2♦?" is "2NT, WTP?"
"One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision"
-- Bertrand Russell
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2016-January-24, 06:53
why is north raising diamonds on a 3 card suit, does he not have enough spade stops to bid no-trumps?
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IMO 50-50.
- With a void in partner's suit and AQJx of the suit bid on his right, North should pass or bid notrump, rather than rebid a poor suit and then raise a second suit with 3-card support.
- By taking all the right views.South can make 5♦. After winning the ♠ lead with ♠T, successfully running a ♥ honour, and ruffing a ♥, declarer can draw ♦JQK. With trumps 3-3 , declarer can then simply finesse ♠ s twice more to make 4 x ♠ s, 1 X ♥, 1 X ♥ ruff, 4 X ♦ s and 1 X ♣.