Hi everyone, 2 deals where my partner and I were not sure of what to do. They are from Le Touquet festival whose open (MP scoring) took place last week-end (field qualified as advanced / advanced+).
1) red vs green, bidding starts 1S (5cd) - pass from partner - 2NT (GF w/ fit):
2) red vs green, bidding starts 2H (weak) - 2S from partner - pass:
How would you continue the bidding as I have (not that the slam is good after the preempt, but it makes):
Thanks all fornyour valuable comments.
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2 tough from Le Touquet Preempts and slam
Posted 2015-August-31, 16:39
1 - 4h
2 - 3h
2 - 3h
"definitely that's what I like to play when I'm playing standard - I want to be able to bid diamonds because bidding good suits is important in bridge" - Meckstroth's opinion on weak 2 diamond
Posted 2015-August-31, 17:28
On the first hand, imo it is very useful, to the point of being imperative, to get into their power auction if possible. However, red v white at mps is the most dangerous situation. So I think 4♥ is foolhardy, even tho there is a very good chance that LHO will simply bid the game. I would bid 3♥ and leave further action up to partner.
On the second hand, as advancer the first decision is fairly easy: bid 3♥. This would, for most, show an invitational spade raise. Note that it would be rare to hold a hand where the only question one has is whether partner stops hearts....if you have such a hand...you want to be in game opposite even a minimum, so long as he stops hearts, you will almost surely have a 3 minor call available, and this would be forcing. So 3♥ can be played as always spades.
As overcaller, you have a weak hand for a red v white 2-level overcall. You suit is short and not solid, and you have limited values outside, so imo you have an easy 3♠,rejecting the possible gametry. As advancer, of course, you held game force values with mild slam interest. You show this by bidding game over partner's sign off. I don't think advancer has the values to cuebid over the signoff. Make it Qxxx xx KQx AKQx and I would definitely bid 4♣ over 3♠, showing slam interest even opposite a minimum. Now overcaller can revaluate with the heart control, the diamond Ace, and the AK of spades, and slam should be reached.
Weak trump and doubleton low honours in the opps' suit are big warning signs in slam auctions.
On the second hand, as advancer the first decision is fairly easy: bid 3♥. This would, for most, show an invitational spade raise. Note that it would be rare to hold a hand where the only question one has is whether partner stops hearts....if you have such a hand...you want to be in game opposite even a minimum, so long as he stops hearts, you will almost surely have a 3 minor call available, and this would be forcing. So 3♥ can be played as always spades.
As overcaller, you have a weak hand for a red v white 2-level overcall. You suit is short and not solid, and you have limited values outside, so imo you have an easy 3♠,rejecting the possible gametry. As advancer, of course, you held game force values with mild slam interest. You show this by bidding game over partner's sign off. I don't think advancer has the values to cuebid over the signoff. Make it Qxxx xx KQx AKQx and I would definitely bid 4♣ over 3♠, showing slam interest even opposite a minimum. Now overcaller can revaluate with the heart control, the diamond Ace, and the AK of spades, and slam should be reached.
Weak trump and doubleton low honours in the opps' suit are big warning signs in slam auctions.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
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