Aardv, on 2015-May-26, 11:10, said:
6♣: I suppose that if our play makes a difference, declarer has seven good clubs to go with dummy's AAK, and will take a spade ruff in dummy, which gets him up to eleven tricks. If he's got three spades he'll take two spade ruffs, so give him two, presumably QJ doubleton since partner hasn't raised. The danger is that he's 2227 and can ruff the diamonds good. In that case we need to take out an entry to dummy. A heart might work, but a top spade is safer.
Alternatively, if partner's lead is a singleton, declarer is something like 5116. We could try a trump, but unless partner's trumps are at least 98x, or declarer has a heart void, he'll have a double squeeze after ♠ruff, ♦AK, ♦ruff ♠ruff etc.
I'll play ♠K at trick two. (But I don't believe this auction)
That's a great piece of analysis, I returned K
♥ hoping for QJ, xx, 10xx, AKQxxx or declarer's actual hand without Q
♥, second spade beats it, declarer has QJ, Qx, xx, AKJxxxx. I think the auction is vaguely close, but maybe it was P rather than X.