gszes, on 2014-April-19, 10:13, said:
Normally I agree with your writings 100% but this time I am not
so sure---why would declarer waste time leading to dummy to lead a
club if they held the club A and wished to take a club finesse?
I think it is far easier than it looks to rise with the club Q
and scuttle any chance of making 3n when the hearts were breaking
33 while there is little to nothing the opps can do if hearts do
break if you attack hearts. Its still a crummy contract even if
hearts break but that's my choice.
I do not mind if you want to play for your legitimate chance for collecting 9 tricks.
But when this requires no less than a miracle (you have to lose the lead in hearts at least twice for them to establish only two additional tricks in the black suits), I prefer to induce a defensive error.
Your claim that you only need hearts breaking is plain wrong. (East wins and plays a spade or West wins and plays a club)
For example on my play East might rise with the ace of clubs from
♣Axxx to shoot a spade through.
Misguided? Probably yes, but I have seen worse plays and I would bet that very few below world-class would rise with the
♣Q from
♣Qxx after this bidding.
Meanwhile my legitimate chances making are probably not worse than playing on hearts. West could have
♣AQx for example.
There are other winning layouts
Rainer Herrmann