Vampyr, on 2014-February-09, 15:48, said:
Yes I know, and I have been thinking about that -- I know that a strange line is not the same as an irrational one, but I also think that we all know what declarer would do in practice were he playing out the hand, and it seems to me that the claim should be awarded on that basis, with no need to refer to L70.
If no one had any trumps and declarer's last two cards were a high card in a plain suit and a low one, would declarer be deemed to play them in any order? If he had AK2 in a three-card ending? It seems inconsistent.
Also I did not read in the OP that declarer had said that all of his trumps were good. Perhaps it has been edited, but now it says that declarer said nothing.
"If 'everyone knows' such-and-such, then it ain't so." - R. A. Heinlein.
There's always a need to refer to the law, unless the director has a perfect memory, just to make sure you don't miss anything about the ruling.
It may be that this declarer, or some other declarer, or most declarers, or whatever, would ruff low in hand and then play his top trump. However, that doesn't matter. The laws not only take into account the possibility that declarer might make a mistake or be careless, they also give the benefit of any doubt to the non-claiming side. So unless you are
absolutely certain that the declarer in question would never, under any possible circumstances, make a mistake or be careless here, you have to rule that he might. I don't know about you, but I'm only absolutely certain of one thing: I'm going to pay a lot in taxes between now and whenever I die, if I die. I'm not absolutely certain of dying because science may yet come up with some way of making us all immortal. A very tiny chance before my allotted three score and ten are up, but a chance nonetheless. I have some small hope for a society that would eliminate taxes, but I think that chance is less than the chance of immortality.
You're right, declarer didn't say anything, I misremembered, sorry about that. Or maybe I just inferred from the fact that he didn't say anything that he thought all his trumps were good. Anyway, doesn't matter. We don't have any evidence that he knew a trump was out, so we cannot assume he did know.