CamHenry, on 2014-January-24, 10:25, said:
Assuming I can avoid a spade ruff, I have 4 trumps, ♦AK, ♠AKQ for 9 tricks; a ♣ ruff in dummy brings me to 10. I win the lead then immediately lose the ♣A; sure RHO may be able to overruff a ♣ with the K but if he does I then have 5 trump tricks. Supposing LHO plays a second diamond at trick 3; I win this one (pitching a ♣) and then ruff a ♦. If this is overruffed, I can safely take two club ruffs in dummy. I think this makes 11 tricks if the ♠ come in, losing just the ♥K and a ♣.
I think this would be a very good reply,
only if I said "this is the hand, this is the bidding, this is the lead, how do you play?" Instead I already gave some played tricks (for a reason) and asked "how would you continue?" I will not keep on replying to answers, especially the ones from non B/N players, which are irrelevant to the question that was asked.
While we are at it, why don't we discuss the bidding as well and show some conventions or different bidding so that they can land in 4♠ instead of 4♥ or something similar to that ? Because i am afraid the third non B/N level player who will reply will bring this up. And I promise I will not be offended if you tell me that something I wrote in the OP led you guys to reply the way you did. I am aware my English is not that great, I just did not know it is that bad.
Having said that, your line is very good imo. If you follow the line i started, i was aiming to illustrate that AKQ9x vs Txx is not guaranteed 5 tricks and if declarer cashes all the trumps without ruffing a club to dummy, he will go down. In actual hand spades were 0-5, and declarer already lost to
♥ K +
♣A, when plays 2nd trump to hand and cashes 3rd one, thinking (wrongly) that he will discard his remaining 2 clubs on 4th and 5th spade he would go down.
I lost my interest, you two can continue if you want to. At least you did not go down like the first reply, while trying to answer/reply something that was
not asked
Cyberyeti, on 2014-January-24, 11:01, said:
since he has 5 or 6 clubs, he's much more likely to have one spade than 4, it depends slightly if he would open 2♣ or 1♦ if 4-6, also if you had a stiff spade, ♦QJ9xx and 3 clubs opposite wouldn't you raise at this vul ?
I don't even know what you meant. Anyway, imo you should have spent more time on other things instead of garbage stayman and weak NT in your early bridge years, This way, instead of trying to win the postmortems, you would be bringing home more contracts that you play. But if you insist on an answer to the alternative line to yours, read what CamHenry wrote and discuss with him. Because i already wrote why i made declarer start the way he did. ( to bring them to a certain position, to make a point, which by the way i am very positive this is the most likely line they would take in first 4 tricks)