Your call?
Posted 2013-March-05, 05:32
Posted 2013-March-05, 06:07
Hope we don't play Fishbein...
Posted 2013-March-05, 06:43
Sanity Check: Failure (Fluffy)
More system is not the answer...
Posted 2013-March-05, 06:54
Posted 2013-March-05, 06:56

Posted 2013-March-05, 09:22
This is a 3S opening preempt and a T/O DBL overcall ( ostensibly 3 places to play ) .
.... So now partner ( Advancer ) has 4S or 4NT available for good hands that can at least play at the 5-level ( and 4C, 4D, or 4H bids for weak hands ).
It has been asked what 4S means ?
I really don't know .... but could
.... 4S! = ♥ and a minor ( then 4NT! = asks minor ? ) and
....4NT! = the minors ??
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2013-March-05, 10:21
I have often seen hands with both minors, and I have often seen hands with minor suit slam tries. I think that using 4S for the slam tries and 4NT for the hands with both minors is better than the quantitative 4NT. It is also more natural to me, by which I mean more consistent with my style in similar auctions.
- hrothgar
Posted 2013-March-05, 11:19
PhilKing, on 2013-March-05, 06:56, said:

A natural 4NT would be really useful...if it could suggest 6NT and 3♠X as the two places to play

Posted 2013-March-05, 12:37
Posted 2013-March-06, 03:54
So on this hand I'd bid 4S, two places to play.
Posted 2013-March-06, 04:33
JLOGIC, on 2013-March-05, 12:37, said:
If you are going to play 4NT like this, would it not be better to re-arrange slightly to:
4♠ = minors or to play 5m (4NT = prefer diamonds)
4NT = one-suited slam try (Paradox advances as above)
5m = this minor plus hearts
Posted 2013-March-06, 09:26
Zelandakh, on 2013-March-06, 04:33, said:
4♠ = minors or to play 5m (4NT = prefer diamonds)
4NT = one-suited slam try (Paradox advances as above)
5m = this minor plus hearts
I don't know lol, I mean in real life I never would do something like this because it is a situation that rarely comes up and is unnatural to play this way (to me) so I would be very likely to forget and bid 3S X P 5m with a minor. And if I luckily didn't forget, my partner would

But it seems like the whole gain about bidding 4S with the minors is that partner can bid 4N with equal length and you play the longer fit when youre 5-4 either way. In your proposed scheme, that is lost, so we're back to playing the shorter fit sometimes opposite equal length.
Posted 2013-March-06, 12:29
Now I'd like to ask what people think would be suggested if partner's double had been very slow?
(Mods feel free to move this if you think it's now too off-topic).
London UK
Posted 2013-March-06, 12:39
Posted 2013-March-06, 13:16
I think a slow double suggests partner is off-shape, which probably suggests passing so I would consider adjusting if this hand passed successfully.
I'm not certain about this, because an off-shape partner could be short in hearts which makes bidding more attractive.
Posted 2013-March-06, 13:37
Posted 2013-March-07, 03:13
jallerton, on 2013-March-06, 13:37, said:
I think there is something in her next sentence, too! Presumably, partner may be thinking because their ♥s are shorter than they would like (or, indeed, longer...). Your point about the lack of a raise is relevant, though.