FINCH AKQ Game/Slam System was devised to transform results such as 4♠+2 to 6♠/6NT; 4♥+3 to 6/7♥ or 6/7NT; 3NT+3 to 6NT; 6♦+1 to 7♦; and also 6♣-1 to 5♣; 5♥-1 to 4♥ and 6NT-1 to 5NT.
It has 4 levels, Basic, Intermediate, Advanced &
It REPLACES ALL forms of Gerber, Keycard and Blackwood, by using not too complex, logical bid/response patterns, which can provide the partnership with their EXACT holdings of EACH INDIVIDUAL Ace, King and Queen.
RESPONSES TO 4♣ BID BY INITIATOR and Further Bids/Responses
If a trump suit has been established/implied (or LAST genuine partnership bid suit) - there are now 5 Key Cards involved, the 4 Aces, PLUS the KING of the ‘agreed’ trump suit. When no “trumps” have been ‘agreed’, then ♣s are treated as “trumps”.
Responses to initiator’s 4♣ are as follows:-
4♦ = 1 or 4 key cards;
4♥ = 0 or 3 key cards;
4♠ = 2 or 5 key cards.
Following a 4♦, 4♥ or 4♠ response, the originator, is able to ‘sign off’ in Game, 5NT or any Slam, OR can bid 4NT, to which partner replies as per The other 3 KINGS below.
The other 3 KINGS (EXCLUDING the King of "Trumps")
5♣ = 0 Kings OR ALL 3 other Kings
5♦ = lowest King only of 3 OR MUST have highest 2 Kings
5♥ = middle King only of 3 OR MUST have outer 2 Kings
5♠ = highest King only of 3 OR MUST have lowest 2 Kings.
4♣/4♠ = 2 or 5 key cards without Trump QUEEN,
but WITH Trump QUEEN jump bid using The other 3 KINGS above.
Following a 4♣/4♦ or a 4♣/4♥ bid/response sequence, the next NON-TRUMP bid up asks partner if they have the trump Queen,
and, without the trump Queen, partner bids the NEXT bid up,
but, with the trump Queen, uses The other 3 KINGS bids above.
5NT bid after The other 3 KINGS MAY be for The other 3 QUEENS.
6♣ = 0 Queens OR ALL 3 other Queens
6♦ = lowest Queen only of 3 OR has highest 2 Queens
6♥ = middle Queen only of 3 OR has outer 2 Queens
6♠ = highest Queen only of 3 OR has lowest 2 Queens.
Yes it takes away the 4♣ Cue Bid and the rare 4♣ Splinter and Texas Transfer bids.
Either 1 or 2 of the 3 remaining Kings (or sometimes Queens) explained!
The beauty is, if for example ♥s are trumps, and your partner replies with his “Kings” (in any one of the 3 possible ways, e.g. replying to 4NT/2+Q♥/confirming has Q♥), and his bid is say 5♠, then he has either the K♠ only (the highest King of ♣, ♦ or ♠), OR, he has both the lowest 2 Kings ♣ and ♦).
If you have the K♠ (highest) then he must have both the K♣ and the K♦ (lowest 2), otherwise if you have either the K♣ or K♦, then he’s got the K♠ only (i.e. neither K♣ nor K♦).
The responder can NOT PASS during a Bid/Response sequence, except when the initiator ‘SIGNS-OFF’ in game, and is not inquiring about the “trump” queen.
An opening bid of 4NT and/or a response of 4NT after a FINCH AKQ 4♣ initiation can be reserved for a special partnership agreement.
The only bid/responses in the Basic version are, 4♣ / 4♦4♥4♠ then PASS/Sign-Off in “trump suit” OR game OR 4NT/5♣-5♠ (Other 3 “Kings” responses).
The Intermediate option introduces 2 KeyCards + the Queen of Trumps/bid “Kings” , the Advanced version adds a Next Non-Trump Bid up / Next Bid-up or bid “Kings”, and the
The reason for the 1 or 4 and 0 or 3 (rather than 0314/3041), is because if the answer is one Ace (4♦), there is more bidding space for a Trump Queen query in the advanced+ versions, before going past a 4♠ game.
Whereas if the answer was 0 aces (4♥), it's less likely that the initiator would want to enquire about the Queen of trumps, because a negative response would mean a bid of at least 4NT, which of course now means bidding a major game at the 5 level - something the system attempts to avoid!
Experts may wish to switch between 1403 and 3041 depending on whether the strong or the weak hand is asking!
When ♠s are trumps, the sequence 4♣/4♥(0or3)/4NT is for The other 3 Kings and unfortunately is not asking about the ♠Q.
Most interference bids made after a FINCHAKQ 4♣ initiation can be combated by using the X (double) or XX (re-double) to indicate my reply was going to be 1 Keycard; PASS to show 0 and a bid of the next suit up meaning I have 2 Keycards, (advanced version – bid The other 3 Kings as normal with the Queen of trumps).
Both sequences are permissible - 4♣/4♦(1or4)/PASS when ♦s are trumps,
and 4♣/4♦(1or4); 4♥(?QofT)/4♠(No); 4NT/”Kings”, when ♣, ♦ or ♠s are trumps.