problems with VG voice commentary
Posted 2012-May-22, 11:38
on IE i do not have this problem.
i have checked this on 2 different laptops and in 2 different countries with the same result
also since a while now when commenting the other commentators as well as i get lags during speech, i.e. we are cut off , the red conversation line disappears as well, and then after a few seconds the sentence continues as if nothing had happened.
this is very annoying when commenting since we cannot tell when the other commentator is talking or not and are interrupting each other.
i have been waiting to see other users write about this and am really surprised that they have not.
is there a solution to this problem?
and i would really prefer to use firefox for commenting.
yes i have been in touch with Diana_Eva and Georgi, i have cleared out my cache, updated flash, uninstalled and reinstalled firefox....
Posted 2012-May-29, 15:47
HedyG, on 2012-May-22, 11:38, said:
It's not as simple as the choice of browser.
We can only get voice commentary to work with Firefox or Safari, it doesn't work at all with IE.
So whatever your problem is, it's not that it 'doesn't work' with Firefox.
We've got no idea why we can't use IE, but to be honest we don't really care which browser we use, they are all much of a muchness.
Posted 2012-July-15, 19:24
Unfortunately I just finished problem-free session using IE
I say that because I really dislike IE in all other respects
sidebar -- shouldn't this thread be in Vugraph Issues Forum
[or Suggestions for the Software] ?
Posted 2012-July-17, 04:24
Received this e-mail from bridgebase support this morning, hopefully I'll be able to test the solutions at the Spingold VG tomorrow.
Posted 2012-July-20, 15:04
Before I sent the original e-mail off to BBO support I gathered a wireshark trace and noticed I was getting an error "InsufficientBW" in some of the packets. Not sure if that means the server or client bandwidth is insufficient (probably the latter), but it'd certainly be interesting to see if other people get this as well. I sent the wireshark trace to BBO support; perhaps the tech support guys should try to repro this problem and obtain a wireshark trace similar to mine - from experience, it's only a few short steps to fixing the bug from there.
Edit: some more possibly useful facts:
- the voice commentary is working fine on my Linux PC (running Firefox) and my phone
- the Linux PC was connecting to the same server as the Windows one, so it's (probably) not the BBO server that's the problem
- reinstalling Flash player on the Windows PC didn't fix anything.
Posted 2012-July-21, 21:54
1) the problem i have is LISTENING to voice commentary. i only do written commentary so don't know about issues with transmitting, only receiving
2) the same issues occur whether i log into bbo via browser or access voice without login via
3) the most common and most annoying issue is failure to hear large percentage of discussion
4) lesser issue, which also happens using the dreaded IE, is broken repeats of what commentator has said
PLEASE clarify if issues are:
a) on the bbo side of things
b) related specifically to browser being used
c) other factors such as ram, voice card, etc
Posted 2012-July-23, 10:43
We set up a voice server somewhere in the cloud.
Speakers use their connection to send their voice to this server
Listeners use their connection to get the speakers voice from this server.
What is likely happening is that bandwidth between the listener and the voice server is not up to snuff. This could have many causes.
I don't really see it as being a limitation of the voice server ( it is capped at some sustainable number of connections ). For large broadcasts we use large servers. For smaller ones, smaller servers.
I suppose the best way to verify this would be to run a speed test from any individual listener to the voice server to check thruput and error rates.
From our POV, these are industrial servers that we fire up for each vug. session, and later discard. Not much of this is within our control, tho we probably could set up a generic voice server and have you run speed tests there.
I don't understand what the browser has to do with it. In my experience, Chrome is a little buggy when it comes to running Flash programs like BBO (compared to Safari and IE). I know little of how Firefox behaves.
I don't know enough to know what happens when the connection isn't up to snuff. I have seen choppy broadcasts before, and that's my guess as to what happens.
Qs to ask are:
Does this happen all the time, or some of the time (say, at prime time in your area, when bandwidth might be more constrained for you)? Are there any patterns ?
Does this happen on multiple PCs? (just in case this is PC specific)?
Could this be a problem with your local connection (example: are you wired into your home network, or using a possibly suboptimal wireless connection?)
Posted 2012-July-23, 13:12
thanks for your reply.
i am a technical zero so all i can say is:
this happens on FF(my default browser), not on IE . it happens on 2 different laptops and in Geneva as well as in Vienna.
it is annoying and i have done my best following Georgi's instructions but the problem persists. ( i really dislike IE).
yesterday during the VG from the Spingold it appears specs complained to Roland about the "stuttering" so it seems wider spread than it appeared.
it is good to know at last that i am not alone

Posted 2012-July-23, 23:22
The first time i used IE successfully, it was not local prime time, but moments earlier i had nothing but trouble with the Chrome instance.
Yesterday during the final round of the Spingold it was local prime time for me on a Sunday -- and transmission was very broken up while using IE8.
At least Uday's comments seem to rule out end-users hardware.
I've heard that Flash Player is in end-of-life mode. Perhaps then next generation software will alleviate our woes.
Thanks for the follow-up.
If I see any variation based on testing other permutations, I'll post the scenarios and results
Posted 2012-July-24, 08:22
The fun thing about my setup is that one computer works and the other one doesn't. Both are on the same router and same internet connection, so this might suggest it can't be a bandwidth issue? However, my instinct is the same as Uday's - that it is a bandwidth issue.
I did ask Walddk2 to ask the people reporting stuttering to post in this thread but clearly none of them have. Pity, because we need more data.
Posted 2012-July-28, 09:36
btw no good using voice to ask people to report since those who have problems will not be listening to voice, being unable to follow anyhow.
Posted 2012-August-02, 16:59
Ethel, on 2012-July-20, 14:45, said:
Posted 2012-August-02, 20:47
Posted 2012-August-04, 20:48
Posted 2012-August-06, 20:54
The user was having a general problem using BBO, and it turned out to be a bad router. Something like this could affect voice commentary as well. If you don't want to buy a new router on speculation, maybe you could borrow one from a friend or relative.
Posted 2012-August-10, 07:55
Posted 2012-August-10, 10:53