han, on 2012-May-02, 04:13, said:
Not clear to me whether you are reporting or whether you would like comments.
On the first hand south could have made it so much easier by just bidding 3S over 2S and the cuebidding 4D. If partner bids RKC, great. If not, you can bid RKC. South managed to confused everybody including him- or herself by bidding in this expert fashion.
Just reporting.... since it was a forum match... i didn't give names on these, just wanted to show how the match went. Nothing really problematic about them. I had hoped there would be a hand or two to submit for brilliancy award, but alas, nothing jumped out at me. I did duck ace from ace third with a singleton in dummy that somehow talked them into leading a trump (good for me). That didn't seem overly brilliant because I dropped an overtrick after poor defense (the duck was ok).