Many, many, MANY!! years ago somebody needed a warm body as a fourth for bridge and it's been downhill since then. Ten years later I found the love of my life at (where else?) a bridge tournament, which was at the time an every other weekend event. She has introduced sanity into my life and now I play tournament bridge once a year whether I need to or not. Having moved to sunny Florida a few years ago, I gave up my career as a computer programmer (a position for which I am no longer qualified) to become a bridge teacher's assistant (which is infinitely more fun.) Our main class is 35 tables in the winter (limited by the size of the hall, signups required) but when the snowbirds go up North, we are down to about ten tables. Bridge is like a busman's holiday - our main avocation is challenge square dancing.
Bridge teaching and the administration of bridge teaching is a full time job for us. We need to prepare about eighty lessons for this winter, each with 8-10 foolproof hands. The average new lesson might take about one and a half man-days. It's all worth it when we here several students comment on how well the hands are constructed to give you a bad result if you don't do the right thing, and how well the lessons flow.
I need not say anything about my ability except that my wife has noticed that when I am on opening lead, I lead fourth-best --- that is to say, the fourth best SUIT for our side. (Some BBO partners might have realized the same thing by now.) Fortunately, nobody has yet designed a system to maximize the chances of putting me on lead.