akhare, on 2011-April-21, 17:23, said:
What is your general perpsective on the use of reverse relays?
This is my personal view and I haven't used this in practice.
Imo it might be more efficient if opener always asked (for example with 1♣-1♦-1♥) about responder's shape whenever he's balanced. And whenever opener is unbalanced, he could show his shape (for example by bidding 1♣-1♦-1♠+). Note that this basic change would considerably improve the relay system, because 1♣-1♦-1NT should no longer be balanced (so you win 1 step for most unbalanced shapes!). However, this complicates matters a bit, and you might give away too much information when it's not necessary (now you can have a fast arrival 1♣-1♦-1NT-3NT if that's not shape showing). Not to mention the amount of wrongsiding contracts.
Since opener usually has a minimum balanced hand, it's nice to rightside the contract by rebidding 1NT immediately. I think it would be better to use the normal (preferably complex) 1NT structure over this, instead of 2♣ as relay and 2♦+ as reverse relays. This way responder can still show his shape when he's unbalanced.
This might make things very efficient:
1NT = any balanced hand (any range)
...The same structure used after 1NT openings
Other = unbalanced, showing shape (you may use the normal symmetric scheme, perhaps with reversed 1M rebids)
...Responder asks or reverses relays with immediate misfit
The main advantage is that with balanced vs unbalanced hands, the balanced hand always asks and the unbalanced hand always shows. This makes light distributional slams much easier. With 2 unbalanced hands, opener starts to show but responder may reverse immediately after 1♣-1♦-1M. The relaystructures are more efficient for sure. And you can easily have a lot of fast arrival auctions like 1♣-1♦-1NT-3NT.
The biggest disadvantage is that 1♣-1♦-1NT is unlimited. Opener will have to zoom from time to time, and it's not always clear how to show various strengths (you see, I don't have experience with it

All things considered I think this is a better approach.