East declares 4♠. The play proceeds as follows:
Feel free to comment on the auction or the play to this point. With North to lead and declarer having lost four of the first five tricks, East spreads his hand and claims down one, with no clarifying statement. South immediately objects to the claim and summons the TD. East immediately clarifies, stating that he will cross to dummy (presumably by ruffing a ♣) and play a trump towards his hand. If N shows out, he will win the King and take the marked finesse through South.
At this point the TD arrives and South acquiesces, agreeing one off. The TD is only at the table long enough to see that the players have seemingly agreed the result. As the TD leaves, North points out that if he continues a second heart, South's ♠Q will be promoted unless declarer trumps with the King and takes a first-round finesse against South's putative Queen-third.
With due consideration to Law 70E(1), do you rule one or two down?