Trick 5
East leads a low C, declarer plays the Jack, West plays the ten, and a low club is played from dummy (North).
Declarer's Jack has won the trick, but both defenders, and declarer all turn over their cards and arrange these as if EW (defenders) have won the trick.
Dummy realises this is incorrect, and leaves her card face up, but doesn't speak immediately.
West (who played the ten under declarer's Jack) now leads KC to the start of trick 6.
Dummy's card from trick 5 is, however, still face up.
Law 65 (Arrangement of Tricks) gives dummy the right "draw attention" to a card being pointed in the wrong direction, but this right expires when a lead is made to a subsequent trick.
- When does trick 5 end, and when does trick 6 start?
- So which trick are we on?
- May dummy now speak at this point, or has she "lost her right to speak"?
- Is KC now a major penalty card, or may West return this to his hand?