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5M332 hands going into 1NT any suggestions ?

#1 User is offline   shugart24 

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Posted Today, 08:06

For the past 8 months or so, My son and I bid either 1D or 1NT when we have a 5M332 hand, depending upon HCP. This has worked out well in that the 1M bid then guarantees either length in the Major or a two suited hand. Unfortunately, our opponents will sometimes interfere with us.
Today the bidding went 1NT by partner. He had 5332 maximum hand with hearts (our range for his bid was 10-13) and his LHO overcalled 2S. I had a pair of Aces and 4 hearts, passed and we ended up defending 2S instead of playing 3 or 4 Hearts.

I am wondering if anyone who plays this style (or even if you don't) might have a suggestion for a partnership agreement. We do play lebensohl, but I don't think this is the right bid here for me. Or should I just accept that this is the price we pay for the advantage we get on other hands? If it matters, we ONLY play match point.
The 4 options I see are a) I could double the opponent's bid to show 4 cards in unbid Majors, and give up the penalty double or b) Opener could bid his Major ( in this case 3H to show 5332 hand with a maximum or c) Opener could re-open with a double to show maximum and a 5M332 hand, which I could pass for penalty or d) we both pass and play defense.
Thanks for anyone who might offer a comment


#2 User is offline   mw64ahw 

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Posted Today, 08:15

Was responder's hand game forcing or invitational. GF should not be an issue as you can show with/without a stopper.

As responder some use X as negative, but can also be takeout or penalty. I think takeout is the most prevalent use but of course you can have 4. If responder is unable to bid then you may struggle bidding 3 as opener.

Failing the above - you can't win them all.

#3 User is online   DavidKok 

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Posted Today, 08:41

Give up the penalty double, as swiftly as you are able.

This is not related to your 5M332 question, I'd change this regardless of whether your 1NT opening has a small chance to be 5M332 distribution. Incidentally it might solve your issue here though. Options b) and c) are poor.

#4 User is offline   shugart24 

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Posted Today, 09:11

View PostDavidKok, on 2025-March-06, 08:41, said:

Give up the penalty double, as swiftly as you are able.

This is not related to your 5M332 question, I'd change this regardless of whether your 1NT opening has a small chance to be 5M332 distribution. Incidentally it might solve your issue here though. Options b) and c) are poor.

so consensus ( 2 out of 2) suggests Responder doubles to show unbid Majors, else both responder and opener both pass (where lebensohl is not useful)

#5 User is online   DavidKok 

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Posted Today, 09:25

Yes, though I'd call the double 'takeout'. This is primarily oriented towards the unbid major(s), but also shows some values (opener may convert to penalties) and may be the least of evils even without appropriate major suit length.

Put differently, as always, it says 'I want to do something but do not have a bid. You choose please, partner'.

#6 User is online   awm 

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Posted Today, 09:36

While I agree in principle that it’s better to play takeout doubles here, I am not sure that two aces and nothing else ought to be enough when the opening range is 10-13. If you didn’t have a nine card fit somewhere it seems like disaster is possible with less than half the points?

You will sometimes come across hands where it’s right to compete only when partner has a five card fit and I think you have to just accept this as a systemic loss.
Adam W. Meyerson
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#7 User is offline   PrecisionL 

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Posted Today, 09:39

Long ago a Houston Pro recommended ONLY opening 1NT with a 5-cd Major when you have 3-cds of the other major. This reduces the possibility of playing in the wrong major at Match Point Pairs.

Just this week we played in 4NT rather than 4 when partner opened 1NT and opponents bid up to 4 and we played 4NT instead of 4 in a 5-4 fit. Posted Image
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