jillybean, on 2025-February-15, 12:57, said:
MikeH style https://www.bridgeba...everse-bidding/
We are really getting down to the nitty gritty between reverse, 2N, 2C and 2N rebids. I also have to consider what my 10-13, 12-14 nt openings to do this ladder.
Perhaps a good time for a discussion of the NT ladder.
It sounds to me like you might do well to fix on a strong NT and sort out the basics of reverse, SJS and so on before reconsidering them in the light of other NT ranges.
One of my pet hates is people rolling multiple situations of strength into a generic "reverse"

I had to start again from scratch to get out of that particular rut.
Having said that, I agree with Stephen_Tu (of course) that this natural SJS should be game forcing and that East needs some convention to express disinterest in slam opposite 3♥. We would bid 3♠ as (inverted) Non-serious after which 4♥ is sensible and signoff.