johnu, on 2024-April-24, 05:41, said:
You can afford to have one overruff since that's actually a natural trump trick on normal trump play. You can't afford to lose to ♦A and also lose 2 other diamond tricks. Of course, you could pull the wrong card and lose a trick in a side suit.
I only saw the first few tricks of the play but she started by discarding two hearts on the spade honors (the lead giving her a second spade trick), cashed the
♥A, cashed
♣AK, the queen dropping on the left, then ruffed a club low, overruffed. I didn't see the rest but she said something about having miscounted or something like that, but I can only imagine she played a low diamond at some point and lost to the ten as well, which translates into West making three trump tricks from ATxx.