In reply to:
sfi, on 2024-January-26, 19:20, said:
When partner doesn't have a club control, their first job is to sign off by bidding 4S. If they have a club control and are interested in slam over 4D, they can show that interest by bidding 4H. Whatever 4H shows, it must include control in the suit you've denied - heart control is optional.
blackshoe wrote:
blackshoe, on 2024-March-09, 22:03, said:
This, basically, is a useful agreement called (by Meckwell who, iirc, invented it) Last Train, after "Last Train to Clarksville", by the Monkees.
I don't think this is Last Train.
It is an effort to solve the bidding squeeze that occurs when the first control-bid is in the second lateral suit, see earlier discussion in the thread.
And in my opinion it could be more carefully phrased too: there should be no question about whatever 4H shows, at least in terms of control: it should simply be control in clubs. Any additional requirement involving hearts control will entail missing some slams when partner has the missing control in hearts but not in clubs. Whether or not they are required to have slam interest to continue control-bidding is a matter of partnership agreement, but I suggest there should be no difference in this respect between a normal control-bid (diamonds or hearts after clubs) and a squeeze recovery bid (hearts after diamonds showing skipped clubs).