shyams, on 2024-January-16, 20:02, said:
If a kibitzer was hearing me declare (but not seeing the actual cards), he would hear "top", "low spade", "low", "ruff", "low club", "top", "low trump" etc. as the designation over 90% of the times. I don't think my designations are unusual; most players I knew used similar designations to play from dummy.
I can certainly imagine worse, I don't think those designations raise particular problems.
Our players are an anarchic bunch, but surprisingly they are even more consistent here: basically they say either "spades" (to indicate a low spade) or "king of spades" (as Law "requires"). A few will say "ruff" or "ruff with king", but even that would be frowned on by some opponents. Nobody ever calls for "top" or "high" without rank, perhaps because it sounds odd in Italian however you phrase it - a few will say "play an honour", but only when they are equivalent.
jillybean, on 2024-January-17, 09:47, said:
Law 46 clearly tells us how declarer is to call a card from dummy, by suit and rank.
I quickly learned from the better players that it was uncool to do this, “play” , “spade” , “yep” was what the better players did and so we quickly adopted this too.
I quickly learned that "spades" meaning the lowest spade was better accepted and unambiguous, so accepted that.
Never been confronted with "play" let alone "yep", I would call the TD on both (46B5 and 45D/43A( c) respectively).
jillybean, on 2024-January-17, 09:47, said:
I don't disagree with it, it speeds up the play, and as shyams says, it prevents the adjacent table from getting a preview of dummy.
I do disagree with it, and even disagree that it speeds up play significantly: saying "Jack of hearts" instead of "hearts" takes maybe half a second more (often compensated by less hesitation on dummy side).
I'm also not convinced by the "adjacent table overhearing rank" argument. Yes we have people (as in all the world) who would cheerfully listen to the next table, but even if (as in our case) it is normal to call out the top honours I doubt it would often help much for a (multitasking) player at next table to form a picture of the hands and contract. And it must be so much easier just to listen for the final result.
mycroft, on 2024-January-16, 09:25, said:
Given that the chance of that actually happening - or being followed even if the Law was changed; or being enforced more than a week longer than it took for the first "name player" getting frustrated by this "stupidity" and griping to the local equivalent of the ACBL BoD - is about that of me becoming Prime Minister of Canada, we have to deal with 46B
Maybe. I hear you on the griping and the the cowardliness of RAs, but that's no reason not to write a better law or attempt to enforce it. I have other windmills to tilt and could live with a compromise here: maybe two legal ways to denominate, suit and rank or suit indicating lowest rank?
I can't live with a law that mandates a procedure and then specifies alternatives.