Posted 2022-August-21, 10:34
I mean, you should care about "induced falsecarding". We give UI all the time, without it being considered an infraction - it's use of the UI that is an infraction. The issue here - and it's a very interesting issue, that is actually difficult to police in the real world, especially in places where there isn't the opportunity to "develop a reputation" like our regulars at the club, or the pros on the tournament trail, or the teams you always find at world championships! - is that it's when "a bridge reason masks the intent to communicate with partner and will be used in defence to a director call" that there's a problem.
It's obvious when the UI is spoken, like the pair around here that plays 2♦ mini-Roman, 2♥ Flannery, and is perfectly willing to bid 2♦ "Alert, 5 hearts and 4 spades, 11-15"-2NT; Pass. And sure, that level of obviousness tends to get questioned by even the most innocent of opponents; but if it had been another of the 15 directors that caught the call at [Big Regional] instead of me, they probably wouldn't have known about the same auction happening in [small sectional] 6 months earlier. So, it wins when the opponents don't question the auction enough to call the director; it breaks even when they do call the director and are ruled as if they followed system; it only *loses* when enough people know about this pair that someone in the chain recognizes the pattern.
Which is what the Recorder is for in the ACBL - cases where "there probably isn't any 'there' there, but it's fishy; let's put all the fishy in one place and see if we get salmon." Whether, and how well, it works at this task is an open question.
It is less obvious when it's a "tempo or manner", like my "hey, this is a *signal*" one above; especially less obvious when it's a "legitimate issue" situation like this one.
As an counter-example, let's put the Rabbit in the Chimp's seat. He is famous for not thinking ahead, and not seeing what might develop. So when the ♠Q is played, he is actually reaching to play the K, when he stops and remembers how annoyed HH was last week when he didn't wait to cover the second honour (of course it was different last week, because it was Hxx that couldn't get popuped). "See how I learn?" and he ducks after 20 or so seconds, proud of his play. And, coincidentally, that gives our Tourist West the time to work out the trump position and put in the 9 (the Hog would always have got this one right, or I'd put him in the Tourist's seat).
Lamford and I have a strong disagreement about what the Laws permit. Frankly, he's not wrong, even if he's not right either. Frequently we absolutely have to play the "spirit of the Law" "such as"/"examples" games to rule as required (which is a Kaplanesque legacy that I am all for clearing up in obvious or frequently used cases. Kaplan was brilliant, and wonderful for the game, and well known for wanting the Laws to be written so that Directors could give the "right" ruling, rather than being hamstrung. But that required Directors with impeccable bridge skill - and remember, "if you *could play*, you would" - and barrister-level legal reading skill - maybe at the Kojak level; definitely not at the OO level.) As such, I have always welcomed these "there's a problem with the Laws as written" setups, even as I am the person who points out where the Laws are currently sufficient, and issuance of a PP is not a criminal charge that must be proven "beyond a reasonable doubt". Or that every hand is not in fact a blank slate, and the many years of previous experience with a player absolutely can be used when ruling in this case.
Lamford and I also have a strong disagreement about how stupid experts are allowed to be when it's clearly to their advantage to "be stupid". Normally this comes up in the kinds of "explanation doubleshot" rulings that I won't rehash here because it's a sore point for both of us (and I am truly sorry about that); but here it's "I'm sorry, a player at your level is expected to see this trivial trap when declarer elected to win T1 in the dummy. You claim you didn't, but magically your requirement to think was at a time where the time required would in fact be more useful to your partner than to you. You have a history of 'not noticing' like this only when giving your partner time to work things out is critical; most of the time, you do see things in advance." I think in this case we are on the same page that it *should be* illegal to do this; I think we disagree on whether it *is illegal* (or is enforceable) currently; unfortunately I think we are on the same page as to how effective a Law change to specifically make it illegal would be.
Is "long pause before 4NT 'reviewing my system to ensure it isn't Ace-asking'" (with the "magical happenstance" that partner is triggered by the long pause to 'review system' and remember it isn't Ace-asking) the same case as these? Which "of course" they would do anyway - in fact, they knew it wasn't Ace-asking, but just had to check...
Long digression over: the issue with this one (and the one before, and all the other examples of this from RL and elsewhere) is that it is difficult to rule "use of UI" in these situations; after all, if the player is of sufficient calibre, it's hard to argue that not making the "obligatory falsecard" is a Logical Alternative. Even if it would be "careless or inferior, but normal" (to steal a quote from a different portion of the Laws). I note that I have been careful, in this one and the last, to avoid delving into the "table score" ruling, because of this issue. But we can - in a way that we wouldn't with the Rabbit, or the very new player, or... - assign a procedural penalty for the careless play; sufficient to make clear "we don't like this play pattern. If it's deliberate, stop it; if it's not deliberate, fix this deficiency in your obvious skill now." And if the one assigned last time didn't take; well then maybe matchpoints aren't a suitable cost. Remember, pre-197x, the Proprieties were not Laws per se; they were made so to counteract "we don't mind being known as boors, provided we're known as boors that win."
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)