apollo1201, on 2021-November-14, 11:58, said:
I thought the « garbage » call was 2S.
Yes, it could also be a strong hand, but it is the cheapest bid that doesn’t promise or strongly suggest something we don’t quite have, like a stopper for 2NT, a second suit for 3C, a better or longer suit for 3D, or a real fit for 3H.
Otherwise I’m trying 2NT, if partner has a little something or if they block, 3NT is not down yet. And if partner doesn’t insist in NT, I’ll take back to H.
I’m pretty sure that virtually every experienced player, playing a standard-based method (so not a big club where 1D was limited to 15 hcp) would treat 2S as unambiguously forcing to game…typically either a good heart raise, too strong to bid 4H, or a powerful diamond suit, probing for notrump or a game/slam in diamonds or, if responder has great hearts, hearts)
I’ve never heard of 2S here as a stall, and think it horrific if it is. Wtf is responder supposed to do if 2S could be anything from a slam try to an attempt to get out at the 3-level?
On this hand, I’d bid 2N. The lack of a 2S bid on my right persuades me. If partner bids 3D, I’m done. If he bids 3H, I’m not sure it’s forcing…I think it best that it’s not.
Btw, it’s pretty much expert standard to rebid 1N with this had responder doubled 1H, so I think this is somewhat analogous.
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