Round 21
Open : Italy-USA 2Duboin-Madala and Lauria-Versace
Ladies :Italy-FranceChavarria-Paoluzi and Piscitelli-Saccavini
Seniors : Italy-SwedenMina-Pulga and Comella-Sabbatini
Mixed : Italy-DenmarkCima-Dessì and Baroni-Gandoglia
No tender meeting, as you can see. The open team plays the third consecutive match in BBO, so we will be able to follow them live.In open Versace-Lauria EO against Kranyak-Demuy; Duboin-Madala against Bathurst-Hurd closed. A truly stellar match.After an even board, hand 2 (which costs us 6 MP) is useful in understanding the type of bridge these people play

The hand is blatantly in favor of the opponent's system: after the small 2-diamond barrage, calling a slam is an arduous undertaking. Nord raises to 3 diamonds, Lauria says 3 spades and Versace 3NT: the clubs have disappeared.From there opens Bathurst by 1 club, Hurd responds by 1 spade, Madala's intervention to 2 diamonds. After two passes (maybe there was a 3 diamonds disturbance, in first) Hurd reopens against, Bathurst says 2 hearts, East strengthens again with 3 diamonds and West gives the stop to 3NT.East now reopens to 4 spades while we were expecting the 4 clubs, but probably with the one-suited Hurd would not have gone through the 3 diamonds but would have directly said 3 spades, so this bid promises something in clubs, as West says 5 clubs and East raises to six. However, two Aces may be missing, the Q of trump who knows where it is, patience. (This hand has me a bit 'irritated, perhaps of course).At 4 everyone defends with 5 clubs 1 down against 4 spades which is done, we are all in the area, Bathurst contra and Versace are not. Bad start 21-0 for the cowboys.Three even hands lead us to 8 where the grand slam is

The Americans call it like this: 1 North Spade - 2NT South (fit) - 3NT (high and fine spades) - 4NT (Keycard) - 5NT (even keycard and a blank) - 7 spades.Ours: 1 spade - 2NT - 3 spades (which obviously is not minimum ...) - 4NT (keycard) - 5 spades (2 + the Q) - 5NT (investigation) - 6 clubs (K of clubs) - 7 spades.Again against the system at 10, the opening of 2NT prevents the opponents from warning us that the spade stop is missing, 3NT - 3. The Americans know everything, they deviate to 4 diamonds, 1 down only (in the area of course). Two small recoveries of ours finally take us off the ground, something the Americans also mark, it ends 30-6 for theirs.Severe defeat, but our chances are still almost intact because Israel and Denmark do not go beyond the draw against New Zealand and Bulgaria, and USA 1 takes them from Norway which gains a little on the cauldron. We are eighth with 6 VPs over Denmark and 7 over Israel. As a calendar for us, the big stumbling block has been overcome, and two matches await us with teams that are not weak but cut off: New Zealand and Canada.(From Bridge d'Italia Online, Monday 4 April 2022 - Three out four)
(You can read the play analisys of each board of the Italian Team because is available the translation in other language).(Lovera)