I'm not a huge fan of team sport in general.
But playing or watching Rugby, Cricket or Tennis I do not see the same animus directed towards team mates if someone fails to make a winning play that I see constantly in Bridge.
BBO has today posted an appeal to the Bridge community by L. Cohen (not the singer) to attract and 'deal' with a new crop of Bridge players (
My link).
His plan is to appeal to wealthy retirees.
This plan does not strike me as a plan for sustainable growth.
Without a change in the culture of Bridge where an addiction to the norms of the 1950's - straight out of Bill Bryson's life and times of the thunderbolt kid - where use of normal language is considered outrageous the sport is doomed.
As for the nostalgic image of families playing cards around the kitchen table like we did, the constant site of parents with young children both staring at screens ought to give one pause for thought.
Cohen makes the point that the current crop of players are older people that started playing in University - a common story.
Mais ou sont les common rooms d'antan?
They aren't coming back - and neither is the kitchen table. Cohen rightly points out that the nature of gaming (I assume he means mind games specifically) has changed irrevocably.
He's right.
If Bridge doesn't move with the times it will go the way of the horse and buggy and then old players will sit around w(h)istfully wondering where all the flowers have gone.