Posted 2021-August-10, 08:55
Many, and perhaps most, experienced 2/1 players believe, as do I, that 1S 2H 3D requires extras….and imo the posted hand, shown in the spoiler as AK10xx x AKxx xxx isn’t strong enough.
It’s barely strong enough in honours (I like holding 6 controls and that spade 10 is often a useful card) but the stiff in partner’s 5+ heart suit should cause opener to err on the side of conservatism.
Put me down for a 2S rebid. Note that if you believe that 2S shows 6 or more, you’re screwed here. Rebidding 2N with no club card and a stiff small heart is awful, and so those who believe 2S shows 6 are almost forced to rebid 3D.
After 2S, south has a bad good hand. The lack of controls makes it bad….the spades make it good. I could accept either the aggressive 3S or the conservative 4S.
I usually play non-serious 3N, so that 3N is a mild slam try….actually not really a try: more a statement that if the unlimited responder is strongly interested in slam, I’m ok with cooperating.
Here, north is a little too good for that, so makes a serious try with 4D.
Even if south bids 4H, north’s 4S may end the auction, but at least in theory, south has committed himself to bidding 5C….opener might hold AKxxxx Ax AJx xx as one example.
That would get them to 5S, which is precarious but not necessarily failing.
As south, if I had bid 3S, I’m slowing things down over 4D, and bidding 4S. Partner knows I have at least as good a hand as this and, with say AKxxxx Ax AJx xx, he can make one more try.
But I do think that 4S over 2S is slightly preferable to 3S. This is a very soft hand…13 hcp of which 6 are in quacks and the heart suit lacks texture. Opposite my partnerships opening bids, game is not exactly guaranteed (tho I agree with 2H)
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari