blackshoe, on 2021-June-07, 17:14, said:
At many club games we are reminded to "please turn off your phone" before the game.
Undoubtedly, once or twice a phone will ring during the game and some people have funny ringtones on their phones which causes some amusement in the otherwise dull club game.
"Turn your phone off"
At one club, the players leave their jackets and bags not with them but on tables around the room.
When a phone rings during a game the person is often too embarrassed, or too busy playing, to get up and turn their phone off, so we get the full 3 minute ringtone.
I am toying with the idea of getting a dozen people to set their phones up to ring in a symphony during one of these games.
This brings to mind, a plan I hatched with a Director friend in Vancouver, she ran games at the old Vancouver Bridge Centre site. I was going to have an old phone on the table and have my own phone, in my pocket, ring during the game. When my phone went off, the Director, exasperated with people ignoring the phone rule, was going to storm over to my table, take my phone, throw it on the floor and stamp on it. We never did pull it off, she was worried how the Club Manager would react.