I have a specific approach which would have worked, but partner was unlikely to be in tune
How many ways can you bid this hand?
Posted 2021-April-30, 03:12
I have a specific approach which would have worked, but partner was unlikely to be in tune
Posted 2021-April-30, 03:34
Posted 2021-April-30, 04:04
My methods include 3♠ as minor suit Stayman, and a bid of 5NT on the way to 6NT checks for a minor suit fit that might be safer. Hence I am slightly less worried than DavidKok about missing a minor suit fit.
Posted 2021-April-30, 04:15
Douglas43, on 2021-April-30, 04:04, said:
My methods include 3♠ as minor suit Stayman, and a bid of 5NT on the way to 6NT checks for a minor suit fit that might be safer. Hence I am slightly less worried than DavidKok about missing a minor suit fit.
With a flat 9hcp hand and 4 card major would you go the minor suit Stayman route?
Posted 2021-April-30, 04:21
I only meant 'most of my tools' in a literal sense - over 2NT my 3♣, 3♦, 3♥, 4♣ and 4♦ are all some major suit treatment, and partner will default to 3NT on 90% of the hands that don't qualify for any of these.
Posted 2021-April-30, 04:44
DavidKok, on 2021-April-30, 04:21, said:
I only meant 'most of my tools' in a literal sense - over 2NT my 3♣, 3♦, 3♥, 4♣ and 4♦ are all some major suit treatment, and partner will default to 3NT on 90% of the hands that don't qualify for any of these.
All bar 1 pair (5♦ down 1) ended up in 3NT with a range of openings. A grand was available in 3 strains
1♣x1 (my under bid?, but I made the incorrect rebid), 1♦x6, 2♣x5, 2♦x1,2NTx3
Partner's hand below if it helps to develop the bidding
Posted 2021-April-30, 05:26
Alternatively if we open 1♦ we can show an enormous hand but short of a 2♣ opener with 5+♦/4+♣ with 1♦-1♥-2N(GF art unbal)-3♣(semi forced)-3N and I'm not sure I wouldn't pass that (particularly at MPs).
The only approach I can see that might get you there is a (strong club) 1♣-1N-2♦ start where you will find out that partner has ♦Kxx or better and ♥KQ which is enough to make the slam decent from the point of view of the big hand.
Posted 2021-April-30, 06:03
(1) "10+, NAT(ish) unBAL" OR "20-22 BAL"
(2) "0+, (3)4+ H, fewer than 4 spades unless GF"
(3) "22+, 5+D(3)4+C" (GF)
(4) relay
(5) 2254, 6D4C(21), 6+D4+C0S or 8+D3(!)C
(6) relay, prepared to bypass 3N opposite 6D4C(21)
(7) 2254, NF
(8) puppet to 4♦
(9) forced
(10) Parity Key Card Blackwood in D
(11) even # of key cards
(12) trump Q ask
(13) trump Q, ♣K, no ♥K
(14) ♣Q ask
(15) no ♣Q
(16) contract
Posted 2021-April-30, 06:10
Douglas43, on 2021-April-30, 05:20, said:
1♦-1♥; 3♣-3♦; 3♥*-4♦; 4♠*-4NT; 5♦*-6♦ sounds plausible enough.
Posted 2021-April-30, 07:01
Hands transposed to make West dealer.
What is your specific approach, mw64ahw?
With West's hand, I rank
1. 2N (a slight underbid) gets you to 3N.
2. 2♣ recommended by SMerriman probably gets to slam
3. 1♦, suggested by Nullve and DavidCok has chances of slam.
Posted 2021-April-30, 07:42
nige1, on 2021-April-30, 07:01, said:
Hands transposed to make West dealer.
What is your specific approach, mw64ahw?
With West's hand, I rank
1. 2N (a slight underbid) gets you to 3N.
2. 2♣ recommended by SMerriman probably gets to slam
3. 1♦, suggested by Nullve and DavidCok has chances of slam.
I have a Multi2D with 2♦-2♥-3♥ showing 4♣ & 5♦ with this strength, but so rare partner wouldn't have remembered.
3♠ is a slam try
--3NT asks which strain
--4m sets the strain & then we start showing keycards & controls
3NT to play
4m to play
We play an unbalanced ♦ so I opened 1♣ (Transfer Walsh style).
Partner showed ♥ & I mistakenly bid 2NT rather than 2♦ (4/5 ♦) which should have culminated in 6♦
Posted 2021-April-30, 10:10
Posted 2021-April-30, 15:45
Douglas43, on 2021-April-30, 05:20, said:
Time to go to your optometrist and get your eyes checked
You can make 7♦/7NT on a club finesse and some luck in clubs, and picking up diamonds with no loser. If you have a club loser, you basically have to pick up the diamonds without a loser. That being said, 3NT is a very solid contract.
Posted 2021-May-01, 20:24
So I'm not worried about missing this slam.
My Precision partnership does
1C - 2D
2N - 3N
4N - P
(2D is 9-11 (or 14+) balanced)
Posted 2021-May-02, 01:27
akwoo, on 2021-May-01, 20:24, said:
So I'm not worried about missing this slam.
My Precision partnership does
1C - 2D
2N - 3N
4N - P
(2D is 9-11 (or 14+) balanced)
Thanks for the Precision sequence.
♠ were led on the majority of the hands. A ♣ lead from West made the cards easier to read as did a ♠ lead from East especially after J♦ fell on the first round of Trumps. I had a T♠ lead from West and decided to guarantee the contract rather than going for the extras available. 6 of the 16 managed to make 6+
Posted 2021-May-02, 02:01
akwoo, on 2021-May-01, 20:24, said:
You need to look again. 6 just needs diamonds to behave, with some small additional chances if they don't. 7 is what's poor and shouldn't make in practice even though it makes DD.
Posted 2021-May-02, 02:32
Stephen Tu, on 2021-May-02, 02:01, said:
7 makes on the squeeze, I think it should make in practice (since 7-1 and 7-2 aren't going to differ much in terms of score, you don't need to take your spade discard too early). Also the club finesse and squeeze look better as soon as ♦J drops on the first round