Posted 2021-April-23, 13:59
Here’s a sometimes useful principle:
When, in this sort of auction, opener jumps to game, he or she is in charge of later decisions. Responder should make a further call only with a very unusual hand for the earlier bidding. Here, double would, if this principle is part of your methods, show an unexpected trump holding: maybe AJ9x
If opener, instead, wants input from partner, opener bids something other than 4S. For example, here you want partner to bid 5S over 5H if his values are in clubs and spades, so you’d bid 4C over 3H
This principle is like almost all bridge ideas: not without cost.
The cost is that 4C is NOT a slam try. You are not looking for slam. Now, when one opens 1S and partner can muster only a single level raise, slam is a distant and unlikely target no matter what opener holds, so it is not usually a big deal to use a new suit over 3H as showing a marked 2-suiter (5-5/6-4 or wilder), but partner needs to be on the same page.
On some hands, there is an additional cost in that here you’d be giving west the chance to apply the same principle (re bidding 5H over 4S) by bidding 4D over 4C.
So here, if this principle is in play, partner has at least two heart tricks and thus won’t likely cover your losers. While 5H may still make, the smart money says that 5S is getting hammered and has no play, while 5H will usually fail.
However, this principle is likely unknown to most non-experts, and in that case I’d bid 5S.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari