Would you have rather passed, on this rubbish?
My excuses are: favourable vulnerability, not-very-strong opponents, and this was the last hand of the session and we were somewhat pressed for time. I knew that if we over-ran our time slot we'd be averaged, I was hoping for something a bit better!
This was the full deal:
South should have either doubled or bid something over my 2♥ - they have 3NT cold - but she passed, and my 2♥ was passed out. The ♠ lead went to my A and I finessed 9♥, losing to the J. A spade ruff then a heart to Q. Can you blame S for going up with the A? So I end up with four heart tricks, a spade, a diamond and even a club once AK have been driven out. Seven tricks.
-50 should have given us a clear top - all but one of the other tables were in 3NT by NS - made easily. Alas! the remaining table somehow opted for 5♦ which went down on a ♠ lead and presumably a subsequent ruff. So we had to settle for second-best.
Even so, I think I got away with murder...