Thanks for replies so far. Hope there will be some more.
Cyberyeti, on 2019-June-27, 07:06, said:
I'd lead my stiff club without any UI (would be worried about a double diamond void). The UI in hearts suggests a heart might not be best, but I wouldn't ever lead one anyway.
A double diamond void is maybe pessimistic, but yes they can't have more than 1 or 2 and I would be very worried about a single void. My first thought about the UI was that it might slightly increase the chance of finding diamonds 1-1, in which case there is a case for a diamond lead before North's card disappears on the hearts. But it might also decrease the chance of them holding 2 diamonds at all so I doubt it would change my judgement much. I'm interested to see how others think on this.
Tramticket, on 2019-June-27, 08:06, said:
I think that you should have polled the first question without telling us about the UI. You could then mention the UI oce you had received initial responses.
I would have liked to, but I haven't had good luck adding a second poll later and also people here seem to get bored with discussions very quickly
I don't think it will do much damage in practice - if people think that they can't answer question 1 honestly after reading question 2 I'm sure they will say so. In my club, at least, the LAs were pretty clear but I wanted a reality check with the rest of the world.
nige1, on 2019-June-27, 09:18, said:
Agree with Tramticket that a poll would probably show that a ♥ lead is a logical alternative. If so -- and a ♥ lead would help declarer -- then the director might insist that I lead one (although, in practice, I wouldn't have)..
Let's discuss director's options in a specific Laws discussion later. For now I just want bridge judgement about which lead is best and whether any lead is suggested by the UI.
I rank
1. ♦2 Partner's ♦ trick might disappear.
2. ♥7.
3. ♣3.
4. ♠2.
Agree with Tramticket that a poll would probably show that a ♥ lead is a logical alternative. If so -- and a ♥ lead would help declarer -- then the director might insist that I lead one (although, in practice, I wouldn't have)..