Tramticket, on 2019-March-04, 17:39, said:
No not a doubleton. A five-card suit. And you are right not to duck, West won't continue hearts. But maybe you can force west to play hearts later? ... giving you an entry to dummy?
And yes, it is possible:)
So if W has QJ9xx hearts giving E two hearts
Hoping that there are 4-2 breaks in Clubs and/or Spades with honours positioned correctly. Spades is the best bet, having the Jack because QJ clubs out could cause problems
I'm struggling a bit but I would play three rounds of diamonds and if that is friendly play 4th round and see what drops
You play a single round of each suit
I cant think it all through but would play from the top of most of my suits seeing what dropped/discarded from each
See which suit E was protecting, assuming W protected Hearts
Then at some stage hope to throw the lead to the appropriate hand who is then forced to lead back to dummy
Play A hearts on trick 1, squeeze other suits from the top, protecting them all, look for discards, and then later lead last small heart to W or lead small from another suit to East
I think you have to hope for some 2-4 breaks, that one or more honours will break and that when you lose the lead it is on the right side
I cant think of all possible combinations
I tend to have a broad strategy, play my longest suits, protect against a run when I throw the lead. I cant always think everything ahead and update as I go so I cant get much further
Please put me out of my misery