Loath to give up on clubs 3-3 and judging that West has KQ♦ and East the ♥A (and maybe the ten), I decided to rise with the ♦A at trick 6 and cash some spades. Click through to the five card ending and think about how you would play. The full hand is below.
On trick 9 West is squeezed in three suits. Throwing a diamond or a club gives up immediately so he has to throw a heart. At my table GIB made a nice play and threw the ♥T (which would have been necessary if East had been dealt the ♥8 else declarer can come out a low heart). But any heart pitch allows me cash a club and play the ♥K. The opponents will be forced to give me a heart or a club in the ending.
The blocked position in clubs is typical of a stepping-stone squeeze where an opponent has to keep length in a suit to prevent declarer overtaking a winner. It usually matures with two losers but here we have three (with only one club trick immediately cashable in the endgame), so it it a stepping-stone squeeze without the count!
A pretty squeeze. Thank you Broze. GIB can be an annoying kibitzer in endings like these, revealing other winning lines. Here, for example, GIB tells us
- You can duck the 2nd ♦ and/or
- You can discard a ♣ on a winning ♠