2nd phase of Martian
Posted 2018-November-20, 20:58
The summary goes like this:
- 1♣ is all balanced hands outside of range for 1N or 2N including a 5 card Major or 14+ with clubs. Responses are transfer walsh style although we have some widgets that let us play the hand from either side if we think its advantageous positionally.
- 1♦/1♥/1♠ are unbalanced and 14+ (11+ for 1M with the other major)
- 1N is 14-16
- 2 bids are all 10-13 Fantunes style.
We play a lot of artificial responses including a game forcing relay to all not NT openings.
Here's where we think we are going.
The relays work great from a concealment standpoint EXCEPT when opener opens in the strain we end up playing. All we do is end up describing declarer's hand to the opponents.
So why not transfer openings?
We are considering this:
1♣ remains the same
1♦/1♥ are 1M openings as above - 14+. Responder can "accept" the transfer with 0-7 which slows down the auction for opener.
1N and 2 bids are the same.
1♠ shows DIAMONDS but here is the problem. Assuming 1N is the waiting bid, we cannot figure out a good way to show a canape pattern hand (do not suggest we switch to canape openings please). We've experimented with using 1♠ - 1N - 2♣ as something artificial.
Ideas? TIA.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2018-November-20, 21:17
1NT = spades
... 2♣ = hearts
... 2♦ = min, no major
... 2♠ = min, with spades
.... others = extras
2♣ = hearts
... 2♦ = min, not hearts
... 2♥ = min, with hearts
... 2♠+ = extras
2♦ = no major, 0-7
a.k.a. Appeal Without Merit
Posted 2018-November-21, 08:18
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2018-November-21, 10:04
Posted 2018-November-21, 13:47
Kungsgeten, on 2018-November-21, 10:04, said:
We haven't tried it out too much, but the use case you reference is when responder is weak and opener is very strong, otherwise it's quite possible it is a competitive auction and opener would get to declare anyway.
But you gave me an interesting idea for a tweak:
We currently play 1M - 2M as 4-6 and 2M-1 as 7 to about 11. It seems like we could reverse these with transfer openings.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2018-November-21, 14:12
Phil, on 2018-November-20, 20:58, said:
So why not transfer openings?
We are considering this:
1♣ remains the same
1♦/1♥ are 1M openings as above - 14+. Responder can "accept" the transfer with 0-7 which slows down the auction for opener.
1N and 2 bids are the same.
1♠ shows DIAMONDS but here is the problem. Assuming 1N is the waiting bid, we cannot figure out a good way to show a canape pattern hand (do not suggest we switch to canape openings please). We've experimented with using 1♠ - 1N - 2♣ as something artificial.
Ideas? TIA.
Have you considered
1♣ = "♦ or BAL"
1♦ = "♣"
1♥ = "♠"
1♠ = "♥"
Posted 2018-November-21, 21:40
nullve, on 2018-November-21, 14:12, said:
1♣ = "♦ or BAL"
1♦ = "♣"
1♥ = "♠"
1♠ = "♥"
No we haven't but other than obfuscating the openings (good) I can't see the benefits.
The 1♣ opening works great the way it is.
I wouldn't want to use a low level call like 1♦ to show an unusual hand type (long clubs) that we are likely getting outbid on.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2018-November-22, 01:12
1S-1NT = Spades, or GF relay.
2C = Both minors, F1.
...2D = NF.
...2H = GF relay.
......2S = 6+D.
......2NT = 5-5 minors.
......3C+ = 5D and 4C.
...2S = NF.
...2NT+ = ??
2D = Hearts, NF. 2NT is the relay.
2H = Hearts, strong. 2NT is the relay.
2S = Spades, NF. 2NT relays.
2NT = Three-suited, short clubs.
3C+ = Spades, GF.
Posted 2018-November-22, 10:12
I'm never keen to not have a natural ish 1nt bid available to responder, but I haven't got any solid data to say its bad.
Posted 2018-November-22, 20:56
etha, on 2018-November-22, 10:12, said:
Same here, but since Opener is unbalanced there is little utility in stopping in exactly 1N.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2020-August-22, 00:43
1♣ = balanced or diamonds (I see Nullve suggested this above)
1 red = ♥ / ♠
1♠ = ♣, 10-13
1N = as before
2♣ = clubs and a 4cM, 10-13
2♦ = diamonds and a 4CM, 10-13
2♥ = 10-13
2♠ = 10-13
Over 1 red, "accepting" the transfer is a GF relay
Much of the rest is as it is currently.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2020-August-22, 06:51
Lots of cunning ideas. I might plagiarise some of them for the next version of Tsetse

Do the innovations (especially transfer openers) comply with System Regulations?
At what level?
Posted 2020-August-22, 15:40
Posted 2020-August-23, 15:06
nullve, on 2020-August-22, 12:22, said:
Actually 1♠ should be unlimited with long ♣.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2020-August-23, 15:09
nige1, on 2020-August-22, 15:40, said:
- 2♣ = ART 4+ ♥ and 5+ m.
- 2♦ = ART 4+ ♠ and 5+ any other.
More fun, but it's nice to pass 2m sometimes.
Had considered 2M to be 4M and the longer minor.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2020-August-25, 12:14
So if you can stomach canapé in a context where you still have 1M available to distinguish hand types then I would certainly recommend that approach. If not then the easiest solution is probably to make your 1♣ opening fully artificial and include some 4M5+♦ hands there to take pressure off of the 1♠ opening. You do have spare capacity there so it should not be too difficult to adjust some things to accommodate them.