Posted 2018-November-14, 21:40
I think I would have bid the same way as you did, both as North and as South.
4♠ is probably a reasonable contract at IMPs. I am not sure if I want to be in game at MPs, though. Since most of the field will be in 3♠ or defending 4♥X or such, 3♠+1 should score quite similar to 4♠=, while 4♠-1 will be a bottom. So it could well be that if the chance of making 4♠ is close to 50%, it is better not to bid it at MPs.
If the split is bad there could be an issue with the 4th diamond trick, and you could easily run into a ruff in clubs or maybe in diamonds. The spade finesse might not work, and even if it does there may be no way to go to dummy without suffering a ruff. Note that you need to go to dummy twice to finesse twice against ♠K.
So your auction was normal, IMO, and looking only at the NS cards it also looks like a good contract.
Something else: have you analyzed the play? I suppose it isn't so interesting at IMPs where you know that you make the contract after the friendly lead. But after you have drawn trumps, it is a mistake to ruff the heart. Think about it this way: your two remaining trumps will always give you two tricks. There is no way opps can prevent that. So it is no rush to take them. Rather, try to establish one or two club tricks while you still have trump control. You don't have to analyze the hand completely at this stage. Just think about it this way:
- do I need to ruff a heart to ensure two trump tricks? No, opps have no trumps so they can't pull them.
- does ruffing achieve anything else, such as establishing the heart suit or going back to my hand? No.
- Conclusion: preserve your trump control. It may not gain but it might, and it can't lose.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket