Improvements I think they ought to look into:
- Should 3D show only 6+ HCP? Maybe it should be like 10+ and clearly a slam try.
- Should 3H be prioritized over 3D, holding 4cd M, if South is programmed to bypass M to bid 2nt? Granted it's hard to construct a hand for slam that really wants to be in hearts vs. diamonds so maybe it is right to ignore H on this hand. But that seems a judgment call and the rule should be to show the shape? It can always bid 4d as a slam try later IMO.
- Why when I bid 3nt it says 19HCP? Why can I no longer have 18 HCP? And when I bid 5d it shows 19+HCP??
- If it wants to splinter fine, but then should respect the signoff? If want to force to slam should have at least Gerbered over 2nt? GIB notorious for not knowing how to continue after splinters, bidding 3nt with inadequate stoppers, or Axx holdings good for slam, and no real evaluation skills if partner declines or cooperates after the spl. Signoff should maybe be assumed to be KQxx in the splinter suit or whatever so it doesn't get optimistic.