Tramticket, on 2018-March-14, 05:10, said:
I'm thinking: win the opening lead and play A♦ and J♦ (over-taking with the queen), knock out the K♦.
Plan is to try to make four diamond tricks, two spade tricks, two heart tricks and a club trick.
Well, that's what I did, but went off:
After winning the first trick with the
♠K, I played DA, DJ, D4. East won K on the third round and played back a spade to the A, W cleared the spades and got in with the HK later.
It seemed the best line, given that even if the diamond finesse works, you need it to be Kx or singleton since otherwise the suit gets blocked anyway; whereas it doesn't matter how many hearts East has, you only need to finesse once.